Maintaining a comfortable and friendly workspace around yourself

Working as a freelancer or doing remote jobs often don’t get us around many people. There is least interaction amongst our colleagues or the people we work for. Hence, we are responsible for our own fellowship. Making friends is not everyone’s cup of tea.. But it goes without saying that all of us secretly wish to be more admirable. There are ways that we can seem more charismatic.

Confidence is the key :

People tend to be attracted towards the ones who are more optimistic and assertive. By having confidence, you will find that you are more likely to be surrounded by good people and also you will be more happy and content in yourself as well. Self assurance or accepting yourself the way you are always brings out the best in you. But being overconfident can make you more conceited and self-centred (and there is a very thin line between these) which may not make you very likeable among peers. Just by a confident handshake, you can get the ball in your court!

Be pleasant :
Smiling to strangers or just asking what they do can break the ice which may lead up to a great companionship. Frowning or stressing all day due to work may not help in these situations. It’s interesting to know that most of the people around you wait for you to start the conversation and then eventually become comfortable. By being amiable or cheerful, you will always welcome conversations.

Help each other out :
Who does not like a helping hand in a world where people only look into their own benefits? Being in a coworking space, many people hesitate to ask for help even if they need anything. And if we are noticing this, we can ourselves lend a helping hand without waiting for them to ask. By doing this, there is a sense of gratitude felt in people’s minds. It is hence very important as we can always maintain a good image in their lives. People may not remember who is the best employee, but they do always remember who was nice to them.

Participate in the social activities :
Most of the people who work in Co-working spaces are freelancers or remote workers. Main issue they face here is having less interaction with people. To solve this, co-working spaces often conduct many programs or social activities to make you more congenial in your environment. This helps you to get out of your comfort zone and socialise more. Such activities also help you with coordination and team building as well.

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