Working solo with Productivity, Managing Time.

People in today’s generation work day and night for an income. It is quite difficult nowadays to get a job in our own field, Enter: Unemployment! People invest around 15-20 years and lakhs and lakhs of money in their education to end up with a job of 3LPA. Thus there are many people (especially Gen-z) who we can see putting up their own businesses. Many of us fail to realise that if we work effectively there are innumerable chances and opportunities for us to grow there as well. Even if we are working solo in a place we can work productively by just changing some minor details. Creating a comfortable environment around self :We as human beings are social animals, thus we need people around us many times even if we do feel like a loner or introvert. Thus by creating a friendly and cosy environment around oneself may help you in keeping your mental peace and work more fruitfully. Don’t be shy to start a conversation, Remember? You and your best friend also started with a ‘Hi’ and ended up knowing each other’s deepest darkest secrets 😉 Scheduling your tasks in the start of the day :Creating time slots for each individual task and working accordingly can help you in reducing stress and completing the work in a given time. As you already have an idea about how much time a particular task may take up, you can schedule accordingly. Thus after checking your ‘to-do’ list on a daily basis, there won’t be much pressure on you at the end of the month as well. Engage in team building exercises conducted in the co-working spaces :Participating in the fun activities weekly can help you bond with the people around. You have a scope to start conversations with the ones surrounding you. Activities like meditation or yoga helps you on a personal level by reducing your anxiety therefore making you feel fresh and active throughout the day. Take up one task at a time :Putting aside the contrary belief, we can say that not always can multitasking help you reach the goal. Sometimes it may be a cause of inattentiveness and thus creating more hastles. By taking up one task at a time, we can utilise more of our time and energy into the important things and we can also do so by ease.

Leisure; Work-Life balance

As we know, our generation is full of workhorses and go-getters. Everyone of us is running behind money and jobs. Only people who are not struggling are the ones who either already have enough money or the ones who turned to a spiritual part of their lives and doesn’t care about lifestyle or societal norms. Even the human bonds made in today’s life are totally materialistic. While running in this endless race, it becomes nearly impossible for us to find some time for ourselves. But for maintaining our mental and physical health, it is important for us to find some time for leisure and self improvement. There are many ways we can do so while working productively. Create a to-do list :While you create a to-do list and work according to that, you can always complete the given task on time and the pressure on you is automatically reduced. Many of us get panicked by seeing that we have a lot on our plate currently, without realising that just by knowing what to do and scheduling it accordingly can make half of your work easy. You can also work in a more adequate manner if you work according to the schedule. Take breaks :You can take small breaks while working which allows your brain to think more efficiently. Just shifting from your usual desk to the lounge area as well can make enough difference. Working continuously for hours or jumping from one task to another will only make you more tired which again, causes you to be more irritable and grouchy. These are the times when co-working spaces can help you out. There are places where you can sit and have some time for yourselves, have hot beverages, etc. No more distractions or monotonous atmospheres. Find your interests :Everyone of us has a hobby, something which we enjoy doing, like singing, dancing, playing, reading, or anything that can make our heart at peace. Practising these on a daily basis can help us reduce anxiety. Studies show that compared to people who did not have hobbies, those who did report better health, reduced symptoms of depression, more happiness and higher life satisfaction. So finding at least 1 hour for your hobbies will only benefit you. Healthy lifestyle : We can only work productively if we are fit and sound. Many of us fail to understand that our physical and mental health reflects on our daily work. Hence by eating healthy and exercising regularly we can lead a better life. Apart from these, a sound sleep for 8 hours is also very important, for you to feel fresh throughout the day. Practising yoga and meditation can help to sustain a peaceful atmosphere.

Maintaining a comfortable and friendly workspace around yourself

Working as a freelancer or doing remote jobs often don’t get us around many people. There is least interaction amongst our colleagues or the people we work for. Hence, we are responsible for our own fellowship. Making friends is not everyone’s cup of tea.. But it goes without saying that all of us secretly wish to be more admirable. There are ways that we can seem more charismatic. Confidence is the key : People tend to be attracted towards the ones who are more optimistic and assertive. By having confidence, you will find that you are more likely to be surrounded by good people and also you will be more happy and content in yourself as well. Self assurance or accepting yourself the way you are always brings out the best in you. But being overconfident can make you more conceited and self-centred (and there is a very thin line between these) which may not make you very likeable among peers. Just by a confident handshake, you can get the ball in your court! Be pleasant :Smiling to strangers or just asking what they do can break the ice which may lead up to a great companionship. Frowning or stressing all day due to work may not help in these situations. It’s interesting to know that most of the people around you wait for you to start the conversation and then eventually become comfortable. By being amiable or cheerful, you will always welcome conversations. Help each other out :Who does not like a helping hand in a world where people only look into their own benefits? Being in a coworking space, many people hesitate to ask for help even if they need anything. And if we are noticing this, we can ourselves lend a helping hand without waiting for them to ask. By doing this, there is a sense of gratitude felt in people’s minds. It is hence very important as we can always maintain a good image in their lives. People may not remember who is the best employee, but they do always remember who was nice to them. Participate in the social activities :Most of the people who work in Co-working spaces are freelancers or remote workers. Main issue they face here is having less interaction with people. To solve this, co-working spaces often conduct many programs or social activities to make you more congenial in your environment. This helps you to get out of your comfort zone and socialise more. Such activities also help you with coordination and team building as well.

Co-working V/S traditional offices : A guide before making your choice

Co-working is a new term as compared to traditional offices. Hence there are lesser coworking spaces you will find near you. Even though having an office of your own can be exciting, there are many responsibilities which comes with it. Apart from a huge bank balance, there are legal compliances, technological infrastructures, marketing, human resource, and so on. There are many companies which we can see that had some great ideas but could not succeed due to lack of incompetence. To solve this problem, Many startup companies now-a-days try coworking spaces. Coworking spaces is a widely growing industry all over the world. It is estimated to grow at more than a compound annual growth rate of 14% in the upcoming years in overall India. Coworking Spaces :There are more than 2000 coworking spaces in India. The coworking space is already accounting for 20% market share in all over office space demand and is estimated to touch 35% by the end of 2025. Many companies which reached exponential growth in various industries are known to have started from a coworking company. And we never know when upcoming generations will start feeling that it’s “uncool” to see that everyone under the same roof is from the same company! Well, there are some problems you may find while coworking. Don’t forget to read the blog Productivity and managing time to find the solutions to your problems while working solo in a coworking environment. Even though the coworking spaces are increasing day by day, there are a lot of challenges faced by them at the same time. Like financial management, marketing, separating out fraud companies and weeding them out, human resources, Installing technologies, etc. All of these are only managed by time and dedication. The main risk while having a coworking space of our own is not knowing the nature of the company and providing them space. Henceforth it’s important to know if they are a government registered company or not and what they actually do. There must be proper agreements in favour of both; the company and the coworking space. Rules and regulations must be followed according to the law. Apart from that there are many benefits of coworking. It is the best option to socialise and increase your network. You can make more beneficial connections with the people. Get more amenities at lesser costs, and so on.. The list is endless. There are people who do remote work or work from home who then switch to coworking spaces to avoid basic distractions or dull environments. Compound annual growth rate of Coworking spaces in Asia in the upcoming years. Traditional Offices : The traditional offices are the very common ones where people from the same office work under the same roof. They share the same identity from the office they belong to. Thus there is limited human interaction amongst these people as they can only meet new people after the hiring process. For you to stand out in this traditional office or corporate world, you need to compete with your own colleagues. No matter how experienced you are, you need to prove yourself every time. So it makes you see a rival in your colleague as long as you both are doing the same work. There is proper supervision from the managers or the team leaders, ergo, less chances of making mistakes. But in today’s era, people rarely acknowledge each other even if they work together. Meetings are usually done online via google meet or Zoom meetings by sitting in separate rooms. With developing technology, human interaction is becoming less and less common. It won’t be surprising if I say that the next generation will hardly know their neighbour’s name! This is where, you may say, that coworking may help. It increases your network much more than the regular offices. You get different opportunities from various backgrounds by having people around you. Apart from that, you make meaningful connections with the people surrounding you when you don’t compete with each other. Studies have shown that there is a 72% increase in productivity for people who co-work. Unlimited possibilities for collaboration works like feather on the hat.

Sustainability in Co-Working Spaces: Eco-Friendly Practices for a Greener Workspace

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a village in Northern India called Indraprastha. Indraprastha was a very simple yet beautiful village with lakes, ponds and pretty yellow flowers growing beside them, just like how it is shown in the old bollywood movies. It is also said that Pandavas from Mahabharata used to live here for a time being. The people here did farming as their main occupation. There were few schools where children went to study. Everything was going pretty well as usual until that day.. That day when some White people entered this village and started building factories and machineries. In the blink of an eye one factory became 10 and then 50, and shortly, these happy people became their slaves. People fought their way best and made them go back from wherever they came and finally they left, taking everything that the villagers really cared for and leaving behind those smoke-expelling factories and vehicles. Thinking of the moral of the story? Well.. There isn’t any! I just needed to show you that even after these many years, has Indraprastha gone back to the way it was? The answer is No. If anything has changed there, it’s the name. It’s now known as Delhi, the most polluted city in India. Even though we require modernism in the current state to keep up with the  world, we somewhere, forget our roots. We as the citizens of this world should understand that there are more greener ways to be modern and keep up with the world. Studies show that less than 5% of the world’s population uses more than 30% of the world’s papers. An average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. The only way this comes to an end is when office spaces limit its usage of papers. With advanced technology it is possible for us to do these paperworks online. Like you are reading our blog on a screen and not on any paper. By this we can save many plants for the coming future. Having plants in your workspace not only adds beauty to it, but also it will keep you fresh throughout the day.  At Hustle Hub, we go beyond providing just a workspace; we curate an environment where productivity meets serenity. Picture this: lush greenery gracefully adorning every corner, from the cabins to the workstations, breathing life into our office space.  Mutual bonding activities like stepping out of the office and planting trees in your area or just bringing small plants to your office will interest the employees and also encourage them for a greener workspace. Keeping the parking space closed for one day in a week and asking the employees to use public transport or carpool will limit the usage of vehicles. Not allowing the use of plastic in the office premises will be one of the most efficient ways to reduce plastic usage as well. If we plan and we execute these ideas we surely are making a great contribution in making the world a better place!

From Co-working space to corporate giants : Success stories of the company which started small.

Did you know? Around 72% of people are more productive after joining a coworking space. Let me show you some proof! A place where you work is not just a place to sit and spend time. Your workspace and the environment there makes a huge impact on your work. Productivity is the factor which is affected by your environment. It is important to choose your working space wisely as we need to prepare for our future with our work. There are many such brilliant minds who started from a coworking space who now own a multi-billion dollar company. Instagram : As you may already know, Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media platform founded in 2010. Almost everyone across the world who uses a smartphone knows what Instagram is. With an estimate of around 1.7 billion users worldwide, Instagram is taking the graph upon the roofs for social media apps. But something you might not know is that Instagram also started from a coworking space in San Francisco, California. Kevin Systrome along with Mike Kreigar found this application which was initially called Burbn, and the rest is history! Uber : Uber is a company which provided employment and boosted up the business for many drivers. The masterminds behind this were Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp. Because of this app, many people are now able to travel without any sort of hassle. Uber started in a co-working space called RocketSpace in San Francisco. It is now a globally recognised brand and a multi billion dollar company. Spotify : Spotify is a wildly popular music streaming platform which, nowadays, we can find on every youngster’s phone. This, too, started in a coworking space, RocketSpace California. Spotify allows their employees to work from anywhere and also provides subscriptions for coworking spaces for them. Spotify was founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorenzon as a response for widespread piracy, in 2006. Spotify is now at peak success with 300 million monthly active users and 100 million paying subscribers. Spotify’s annual revenue crossed $11 Billion in the year 2022. Indiegogo : Indiegogo is a crowdfunding portal to encourage budding entrepreneurs.This company started in 2008. Till the current date, Indiegogo has managed to crowdfund more than $1.5 Billion. It is one of the oldest companies which joined the concept of coworking, as it also started in a coworking space in San Francisco, California. Due to this decision they could easily manage the finances according to plan by avoiding extra expenses needed in an office. In the history of coworking spaces, there are countless companies which sprouted from humble beginnings then reached remarkable success, with the promise of even more rising stars on the horizon. Are you still waiting for the right time to join a coworking space? Why not make this time right!

Why Choose Cluster CoWorks for Your Next Workspace

In today’s dynamic business environment, the concept of work has evolved. Professionals no longer need to be tied to traditional office settings to get things done. Enter coworking spaces – the future of workspaces, designed for flexibility, collaboration, and growth. One standout name in the bustling coworking industry is Cluster CoWorks, strategically located at Navale Icon near Navale Bridge, Pune. Whether you’re a freelancer looking for focus, a startup striving for innovation, or an established business aiming for growth, Cluster CoWorks has something special to offer. Here’s why Cluster CoWorks should be your next workspace: 1. A Prime Location That Means Business Nestled in one of Pune’s most vibrant hubs, Cluster CoWorks enjoys the advantage of a prime location. Being near Navale Bridge ensures easy accessibility from major parts of the city, making it convenient for professionals and clients alike. Its proximity to key business areas enhances connectivity, saving you valuable commute time. 2. Flexible Plans for Diverse Needs At Cluster CoWorks, flexibility isn’t just a feature – it’s a philosophy. Whether you need a desk for a day, a private cabin for your team, or a conference room for meetings, Cluster CoWorks has plans designed to fit your specific needs. The customizable packages ensure you only pay for what you need, making it a cost-effective option for professionals and businesses. 3. State-of-the-Art Amenities A great workspace isn’t just about a desk and chair – it’s about the experience. Cluster CoWorks is equipped with high-speed internet, ergonomic furniture, private meeting rooms, event spaces, a well-stocked pantry, and seamless power backup. These amenities allow you to focus entirely on your work while we handle the rest. 4. A Collaborative and Vibrant Community Coworking isn’t just about working in the same space; it’s about building connections. Cluster CoWorks fosters a community of like-minded individuals, from freelancers to entrepreneurs and corporate teams. Networking events, skill-building sessions, and community gatherings are regular features here, ensuring that you not only work but also grow alongside a vibrant professional network. 5. Designed for Productivity At Cluster CoWorks, every detail of the workspace is crafted to enhance productivity. From well-lit interiors and noise-free zones to breakout areas for creative brainstorming, the environment is tailored to keep you motivated and focused. 6. Scalable for Businesses of All Sizes Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or managing a growing startup, Cluster CoWorks provides scalable solutions that grow with your business. Need to expand your team? No problem – simply upgrade to a bigger workspace within the same facility without the hassle of relocating. 7. Affordable and Transparent Pricing One of the key benefits of coworking spaces like Cluster CoWorks is their affordability compared to traditional office spaces. With transparent pricing and no hidden costs, you get access to premium facilities at a fraction of the cost of renting and managing your own office. 8. An Ecosystem of Innovation Cluster CoWorks isn’t just a workspace; it’s an ecosystem where innovation thrives. The inspiring environment, collaborative culture, and access to resources empower professionals to think creatively and push boundaries. Why Cluster CoWorks Stands Out Since its inception in 2023, Cluster CoWorks has been redefining the coworking experience in Pune. It’s not just a place to work; it’s a platform where ideas are born, connections are made, and businesses grow. If you’re looking for a workspace that combines professionalism, convenience, and community, look no further than Cluster CoWorks. Visit us at Navale Icon near Navale Bridge, Pune, and take a step towards transforming the way you work. Book Your Space Today!Ready to experience coworking at its best? Explore our flexible plans and state-of-the-art facilities by visiting our website or dropping by for a tour. Let Cluster CoWorks be the foundation of your next big success!

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