Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a village in Northern India called Indraprastha. Indraprastha was a very simple yet beautiful village with lakes, ponds and pretty yellow flowers growing beside them, just like how it is shown in the old bollywood movies. It is also said that Pandavas from Mahabharata used to live here for a time being. The people here did farming as their main occupation. There were few schools where children went to study. Everything was going pretty well as usual until that day.. That day when some White people entered this village and started building factories and machineries.
In the blink of an eye one factory became 10 and then 50, and shortly, these happy people became their slaves. People fought their way best and made them go back from wherever they came and finally they left, taking everything that the villagers really cared for and leaving behind those smoke-expelling factories and vehicles. Thinking of the moral of the story? Well.. There isn’t any! I just needed to show you that even after these many years, has Indraprastha gone back to the way it was? The answer is No. If anything has changed there, it’s the name. It’s now known as Delhi, the most polluted city in India.

Even though we require modernism in the current state to keep up with the world, we somewhere, forget our roots. We as the citizens of this world should understand that there are more greener ways to be modern and keep up with the world. Studies show that less than 5% of the world’s population uses more than 30% of the world’s papers. An average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. The only way this comes to an end is when office spaces limit its usage of papers. With advanced technology it is possible for us to do these paperworks online. Like you are reading our blog on a screen and not on any paper. By this we can save many plants for the coming future. Having plants in your workspace not only adds beauty to it, but also it will keep you fresh throughout the day. At Hustle Hub, we go beyond providing just a workspace; we curate an environment where productivity meets serenity. Picture this: lush greenery gracefully adorning every corner, from the cabins to the workstations, breathing life into our office space. Mutual bonding activities like stepping out of the office and planting trees in your area or just bringing small plants to your office will interest the employees and also encourage them for a greener workspace.
Keeping the parking space closed for one day in a week and asking the employees to use public transport or carpool will limit the usage of vehicles. Not allowing the use of plastic in the office premises will be one of the most efficient ways to reduce plastic usage as well. If we plan and we execute these ideas we surely are making a great contribution in making the world a better place!